
Crean McCann Property
15 Prince’s St, Tralee
Co. Kerry, V92 YY15

087 149 4889
PSRA number: 004673

Privacy Policy

This is the website of Crean McCann Property. We respect your right to privacy.

The following discloses our data gathering and dissemination practices relating to this website. In order to fully understand your rights, we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy. By using this website, you signify your express acceptance of this document. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other websites. If you do not agree with or you are not comfortable with any aspect of the Privacy Policy, your only remedy is to discontinue use of the website. We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Each time you use this website you shall be bound by the then current Privacy Policy and accordingly you should review the Privacy Policy each time you use this website.

Privacy & Data Protection

Crean McCann Property fully respects your right to privacy and will not collect any personal data about you on this website without your clear knowledge and permission.  Any personal data which you volunteer to Crean McCann Property will be treated strictly in accordance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Acts 1988-2018. We do not require you to provide personal data unless you wish to avail of additional features or services. Where data is submitted it will be used for the stated purpose and any reasonably incidental purposes only.

We do not sell or distribute your personal data to third parties for purposes of allowing them to market products and services to you.

Communicating via the internet and sending data to you by other means necessarily involves your personal data passing through or being handled by third parties.

Data and Uses

  • Data we gather

For general web-browsing certain statistical data is available to us via our internet service provider. This data may include the IP and logical address of the server you are using, the top level domain name from which you access the internet (for example .ie, .com, etc.), the type of browser you are using, the date and time you access our site and the internet address linking to our site. We may also use temporary “session” cookies which enable a visitor’s web browser to remember which pages on this website have already been visited. This data may be used to help us to improve, administer and diagnose problems with our server and website.

  • Data you provide to us

Contacting Us

You have an opportunity to send us data via this website, such as through the “contact us” page. You may also choose to provide us with your personal data (e.g. name, phone, e-mail, postal address and personal message) in an e-mail message to the address listed on our site. We use these details solely for the purpose for which you provided them (e.g. responding to your query, handling complaints).

Your rights

  • For processing activities for which we rely on consent as a basis for processing your data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
  • For processing activities which are based on a statutory or contractual requirement, you may request your data not be processed for that purpose. However, this is not an absolute right and may be over-ridden by our statutory obligations. In other cases, requesting that data should not be processed for a particular purpose may prevent us from executing a contract or delivering a service to you.

You have the right to request

  • A copy of data we hold about you (Right of Access)
  • That any error in data we hold about you is corrected (Right of Rectification)
  • That data we hold about you be erased, unless we have a countervailing interest or legal obligation to retain it (Right of Erasure)
  • That we refrain from processing data for a specific purpose (Right to Restrict processing)
  • A copy of the data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form to enable you to reuse your personal data for your own purposes across different services (Right of Data Portability)
  • You have the right to complain to the Irish Data Protection Commission ( ) and to seek compensation through the courts

We will accede to any such valid requests within 30 calendar days of the receipt of a valid request in writing.

Please send all requests in writing to the Data Protection Manager, Crean McCann Property, 15 Prince’s St, Tralee, Co. Kerry, V92 YY15

We reserve the right to request you to provide additional data in order to enable us to identify your personal data and/or to verify your identity.

Sharing Your Data

We do not share your data with third parties other than as set out in this policy. We may share your data in the following circumstances:

  • Service providers: We may need to share personal data with our service providers, such as where necessary to provide our services to you. If there has been a breach of our Terms of Use, we may also share personal data with our legal advisors. All of our service providers will be obliged to keep your personal data safe and secure. These service providers include:
    • Software Companies – such as customer relationship software companies to improve the way we do business and in turn improve the customer experience.
    • Payment processors – such as Stripe to enable us to process payments securely.
    • Marketing companies – to help us run our business and get in touch with you.
  • Consent: We will share your data with a third party where you have allowed us to do so.
  • Business [Transfer]: Where some or all of our company and/or its assets may potentially be or have been acquired, we may need to transfer your personal data to the new or prospective owners.
  • Legal and safety: In certain instances, we may share data where we reasonably believe that it is necessary for legal reasons, to defend our legal rights, to enforce our Terms of Use or to protect our rights, property, users, customers or the safety of any person. For example, we may provide personal data where ordered by a court to do so.

Where we store personal data

We generally store personal data on servers located inside the European Economic Area. However, in certain cases it may be necessary for us to transfer certain data to servers located outside of the EU. It is important to be aware that the privacy protections in certain jurisdictions may not be equivalent to those in Europe. We only transfer your data outside the EEA where permitted by law and ensuring that it is subject to appropriate protections.

Data Retention

Crean McCann Property retains personal data about individuals for a range of periods. The basis for our retention periods is based on our contractual obligations.

We commit to not keeping personal data for longer than is necessary and review records on an annual basis.


We take our security responsibilities seriously, employing the most appropriate physical and technical measures. We review our security policy regularly. 

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This legal policy and all issues regarding this website are governed exclusively by Irish law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish courts.


Delay or failure on our part in enforcing any of our rights shall not constitute a waiver by us of our rights and remedies. If any part of this Privacy Policy is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the remainder will not be affected.

This Privacy Policy governs the online processing of personal data on this website. Offline activities are covered by our Data Protection Policy which is available upon request or upon your first clinic visit/consultation.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this policy, our practices relating to the website or your dealing with the website you can contact us at

Changes to this policy

We may revise this policy on occasion. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 01 February 2024.